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Cub & Bulbul


Instilling self – discipline and thoughtfulness for others, at a tender age, is the major focus, of the activities designed for this group. It prepares the boys and girls to take up bigger tasks in scouting and guiding and also helps in their mental and physical growth.

Cub/Bulbul Promise
"I promise to do my best

to do my duty to "God and my country,

to keep the Cub/Bulbul law and

to do a Good Turn everyday.

Cub / Bulbul Law

1. A Cub / Bulbul is obedient.

2. A Cub / Bulbul is clean and polite

Do Your Best


(i) A Boy who is a citizen of India and who has completed
five but not more than 10 years of age is eligible to be
registered as a Cub Aspirant.

(ii) He will work for 3 months to the satisfactions of the
Cub Master before investiture as Cub.

PRAVESH Requirements :
1. Be able to tell the first jungle story.
2. Understand the meaning of Cub Law, Cub Motto, Cub Promise and Cub Greeting.
3. Demonstrate correctly Cub Salute and left handshake.
4. Offer daily prayers as told by parents.
5. Do a daily Good-turn at home.
6. Be able to Sing Cub Prayer

 He then makes Cub Promise to the Cub Master and is
invested as a Cub.

#He is eligible to wear Cub Uniform and Membership Badge. Membership-badge is a cloth badge with blue background with Fleur- de-lis in yellow superimposed by Trefoil with Ashoka Chakra also in yellow in the centre. Membership badge is worn in the centre of the pleat of the left pocket of the shirt or at the same place on the jersey. Membership badge shall be issued by the Local or District Association, as the case may be, on the recommendation of the Cub master.

Note :
(a) The Cub Motto is

(b) The Cub Prayer Song (Ham Hain Chhote Chhote Bal-
Should be adopted and practised.)

(c) The Cub Promise is :
“I promise to do my best
To do my duty to God* and my country
To keep the Cub Law and
To do a Good-turn every day.”

* The word ‘Dharma’ may be substituted for the word “God” if so desired.

The Cub Law
(i) A Cub is obedient.
(ii) A Cub is clean and polite.

 The Cub salute
is given by raising the right arm smartly to the level of the shoulder, palm to the front, first two fingers stretched apart, first finger touching
the forehead and the thumb pressing on the last two fingers. After the salute the arm is smartly brought down.

Cub Uniform : A Cub shall wear uniform as given below.

(i) Shirt : A steel Grey shirt with two patch pockets with shoulder straps, with half sleeves or rolled up sleeves. The sleeves may be turned down in cold weather.

(ii) Shorts : Navy blue shorts.

(iii) Head-Dress : A blue cap with yellow piping and logo of wolf cub supplied by the National Association. A Sikh may wear dark blue turban with logo of wolf cub
supplied by National Association. [A turban badge in place of cap badge may be introduced by National Association.]

(iv) Scarf : A triangular scarf of the Group colour other than green, purple or yellow and pattern approved by the Local or District Association as the case may
be, shall be worn round the neck over the collar and shoulder straps with the Group woggle, other than Gilwell woggle. Two sides of the scarf shall have
each a minimum length of 70 cms and maximum of 80 cms.

(v) Belt : Grey Nylex belt with official buckle of the Bharat Scouts & Guides Supplied by the National Association.

(vi) Shoulder Patch : An equilateral triangular piece of cloth of six’s colour base of which shall be 4cms in length, sewn at the top of left sleeve Immediately
below the shoulder badge with point upwards.

(vii) Shoulder Badge : A Shoulder Badge of 6 to 8 cms. Length and 1.5 cms. width with white background and red border and the serial number and name of
the Group in red letters shall be worn on both the
shoulders immediately below the seam with little

(viii) Membership Badge : A cloth badge with blue background and Fleur-de-lis in yellow superimposed by the Trefoil with Ashoka Chakra also in Yellow in
the centre shall be worn in the centre of the pleat of left pocket of the shirt or at the same place on jersey.

(ix) World Scout Badge : Should be worn in the centre of
the pleat of the right pocket of the shirt.

Stockings : Black socks below the knee may be

(xi) Footwear : Black shoes with lace.

(xii) Over Coat, Blazer or Jacket : A Navy Blue coloured overcoat or a navy blue Blazer or a navy blue jacket may be worn, during winter season only.

(xiii) Metal Badge : in mufti, a metal badge of the Bharat Scouts & Guides may be worn.
(xiv) A name stripe - The name stripe containing “The Bharat Scouts & Guides”
supplied by National Headquarters may be worn on just above the right pocket of the shirt. The size of the stripe should be 11cm X 2cm, the right corner of which should be tri colour of National Flag of the size of 3cm x 2cm and rest for the Title of ‘The Bharat Scouts & Guides’.

Casual Wears : A working uniform /field activity uniform as optional item With Deep Blue Jeans/Trousers or shorts with plain sky blue T-shirts with collars having a pocket super imposed with scout Emblem of BSG and a deep blue Colour “P” cap with BS&G emblem at the centre may be worn during the field activities along with black sports shoes.
Note: P-Cap is not permissible in uniform

Scheme of Advancement of a Cub :
1. A Boy can be registered as a Cub Aspirant on completion of five years of age and invested after working for at least three months and completed the
requirements of the Pravesh test.
2. A Pravesh Cub will work at least for three months to qualify for Pratham Charan.
3. A Pratham Charan Cub will work atleast for three months to qualify for Dwitiya Charan.
4. A Dwitiya Charan Cub will work for at least nine months to qualify for Tritiya Charan badge.
5. A Tritiya Charan Cub will work for atleast nine months to qualify for Chaturtha Charan.
6. A Chaturth Chran Cub having earned totally six proficiency badges one badge each in Tritiya Charan and Chaturth Charan, remaining four badges to be
earned from the proficiency badge groups not earned earlier. He may be awarded a special badge called “Golden Arrow” before completing ten years of age.

7. For Pravesh and Pratham Charan the Cub Master will arrange for training and testing.
8. From Dwitiya Charan onwards and for Proficiency Badges Training Counsellors will arrange testing.



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