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Q.1 What is the full name of Baden Powell?
Ans Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powell.

Q.2 When and where was Baden Powell born?

Ans      22nd February 1857 at 16 Stenhope Street, London.

Q.3      What is Paxhil?

Ans      Baden Powell’s house is named as Paxhil.

Q.4      What is the full name of lady Baden Powell?

Ans      Miss. Olave St. Clair Soames.

Q.5      When did Scouting come in to existence?

Ans      In the year 1907.

Q.6      When did Scouting begin in India?

Ans      In the year 1909.

Q.7      When did guiding begin in India?

Ans      In the year  1911.

Q.8      How many parts are there in Scout/Guide promise?

Ans      Three parts
         (a) To do my duty to God and my Country
           (b) To help other people and
           (c) To obey the S/G law

Q.9      When is Scout/Guide sign shown?

Ans  (a)  At the time of taking oath/promise
            (b)   To show his/her identification
            (c )  At the time of reaffirmation of S/G Promise

Q.10    Who composed Scout/Guide Flag Song?

Ans      Shri Daya Shankar Bhat.

Q.11    What is the duration of singing the flag song?

Ans      45 Seconds

Q.12    Who composed Scout/Guide prays song?

Ans      Veer  Dev Veer.

Q.13    What is the duration of singing the prayer song?
Ans      90 Seconds

Q.14    Who composed National Anthem?

Ans      Rabindra Nath Tagore.

Q.15    What is the duration of the National Anthem?

Ans      52 Seconds

Q.16    What is the ratio of the National Flag?
Ans      3:2.

17. When was the First experimental scout camp was held?
Ans. In 1907 at Brownsea Island, English Channel

18. From whom did BP learn the practice of ‘Left 
hand Shake’?
Ans.Ashanthi Tribes

Q.19    What is the minimum age to join the scout movement?
Ans      10 Yrs.

Q.20    In which side of the pocket/Sleeve membership badge is to be worn?
Ans      Left pocket (Scout)/ Left sleeve (Guide).

Q.21    Which level of Scouting Guiding movement is also known as Tenderfoot’?
Ans      Pravesh.

Q.22    In 1921 and 1937, who were the persons related to our movement visited India?
Ans      Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell.

Q.23    November 7th is an important day for BS&G. What is the     importance?
Ans      Flag day/Foundation day of BS & G.

Q.24    On whose honour is the Scout/Guide promise administered?
Ans      On one’s own honour.

Q.25    A Scout/Guide saves every paisa .Which point of S/G law is being referred here?
Ans      8th point of S/G Law.

Q.26    Physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. To achieve What, do we give this explanation?
Ans      S/G Motto – Be prepared.

Q.27    When you meet somebody who is in uniform, but you are not in Uniform, How do you identify yourself as a part of the movement?
Ans      By showing the scout/guide sign.

Q.28    A flag is 120 cms long and 100 cms wide. Is this proportion correct?
Ans      Wrong: 3:2 à120 cms : 80 cms

Q.29    Trefoil is imposed on Fleur–de-lis in our BS & G flag. What does it denote?
Ans      Three fold of promise.

Q.30    Name the flower denoting the three parts of the promise in S & G
            movement which is from Canada.
Ans      Fleur-de-lis.

Q.31    B S  & G emblem  comprises of (a) Trefoil (b) Fleur-de-lis and a 3 part. What is it?
Ans      Ashok Chakra.

Q.32    International brotherhood is denoted by a basic knot. Which is that knot it?
Ans      Reef knot.

Q.33    Where is our National bird seen in Scout uniform?
Ans      On the cap badge.

Q.34. Who designed the World Guide Flag?

Ans. Miss.Frokh Kariass from Norway

Q.35 Who wrote the book Aids to Scouting?

Ans. Baden Powell

Q.36 Where is the international training centre?

Ans.Gilwell Park, London

Q.37 Who started scouting in India?

Ans. Dr.G.S.Arundale with Dr.Annie Besant

Q.38 Who wrote the story of Kim?

Ans. Rudyard Kipling

Q.39 For how many days, Mafeking war take place?

Ans.217 Days

Q.40 Expand WAGGGS

Ans.World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Q.41 Expand WOSM

Ans. Wordl Organisation of Scout Movement

Q.42 When and where was the first All-India jamboree held?

Ans.Delhi, 1937, 1-7, Feb.

Q.43. Name the only world that can be replaced in S/G promise?

Ans. God with Dharma

Q.44 What do the two stars in the World Scout Flag denote?

Ans. Law and promise

Q.45. What does Ashok Chakra in the middle of BS&G Flag denote?
Ans. It denotes the Indian character of the movement.


Q.1      Who is the chairman of Patrol in Conrail?
Ans      Patrol Leader.

Q.2      What is Patrol Corner?
Ans      A place where the members of a patrol meet discuss and carry out the patrol activities.

Q.3      How can protect the end of a rope from fraying out?
Ans      By whipping.

Q.4      Which knot is used in bandages?
Ans      Reef Knot.

Q.5      Which knot is used for Life Saving?
Ans      Bow Line.

Q.6      Who is the Chairman of Patrol-in-Council?
Ans      Patrol Leader Concerned.

Q.7      Who is the leader of the smallest unit of a group/company?
Ans      Patrol Leader.

Q.8      To join two slippery ropes, which knot is to be used?
Ans      Fisherman Knot.

Q.9      To call the troop leader, what whistle signal would you use?
Ans      One long blast followed by three short blasts.

Q.10    Which exercise is the only BP six exercise done with feet apart?
Ans      5th

Q.11    In first aid, base, point , ends and sides are all the parts of what?
Ans      A triangular bandage.

Q.12    Which sling is used to support only the wrist?
Ans      Cuff and collar sling.

Q.13    Which knot is used to tie parcels?
Ans      Reef Knot.

Q.14    Which knot is used to shorten a rope without cutting it?
Ans      Sheep shank.

Q.15    Expand COH
Ans      Court of Honour
Q.16    What is the size of the Patrol Flag?
Ans      20cm X 30cm X 30 cm(Base = 20 cm, Side = 30 cm)

Q.17    If two stones are kept one over the other, and the smaller     
one to, one side, what does is show?  
Ans      To go to the side shown by smaller one.

Q.18 Which knot is known as the king of knots?
Ans. Bowline

Q.19 What is the shape of the patrol flag?
Ans. Triangle

Q.20 What is the smallest unit of a troop/company?
Ans      Patrol

Q.21 Which knot is known as the Hercules Knot?
Ans. Reef Knot

22. What is the health salt called?
Ans. ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution)

23. What does drill mean?
Ans. It means training the individual to certain movement immediately.

24. Which knot is used to tie a sheet  of cloth to a rope?
Ans. Sheet Bend

25. If the strands of a rope are getting frayed out in the middle, how can your secure and give strength to the weak portion?
Ans. With the help of a Sheep Shank

26. Which hitch is used to make a cloth line?
Ans. Clove hitch

27. Which hitch is the starting point for all the lashings, except diagonal lashing?
Ans. Clove hitch

28. Which BP’s Six exercise is known as cone exercise?
Ans. Fourth exercise

29. Which is the only BP’s six exercise which is supposed to be done barefoot?
Ans. Sixth exercise.

30. Write any four contents of a First Aid box.
Ans.Adhesive plaster, roller bandage, triangular bandage, gauze, cotton, Dettol, scissors, salt

31. Write any five pressure points.
Ans. Occipital, Facial, Temporal, Carotid, Subclavian, Brachial, Radial Ulnar, Palmar Arch, Femoral, Anterior Tribal

32. Who are all the members of COH.
Ans. Troop leader, Assistant Troop leader, troop scribe, troop secretary, patrol leaders.
Asst. patrol leaders can attend on invitation. SM and ASMs-are supervisors.


Q.1      Bucket chain is a method used for what?
Ans      Putting out fire.

Q.2      What are the various degrees of burns?
Ans      I degree burns, II degree burns and III degree burns.

Q.3      What is a sprain?
Ans      Tearing of the ligaments of the joint and the tissues round the joint.

Q.4      What is the skill of approximation?
Ans      Estimation.

Q.5      What is the maximum error allowed in estimation?
Ans      25 %.

Q.6      Similar triangle method, Nepolean method, Compass method, Fold paper method, Lobstick method, Parallax method- are all different methods used for what?
Ans      For measuring width/distance.

Q.7      What is the difference between sheer lashing and parallel lashing?
Ans      No frapping in parallel lashing.

Q.8      Name any 4 camp tools?
Ans      Handsaw, Chopper, hammer, Hand axe, Knife, Wedges.

Q.9      Name any two constellations which help to identify North &  directions.
Ans      Saptarishi(Great bear/Plough), Cassiopia/Lady in the Chair / Orion, the Hunter.

Q.10    Soda bicarbonate is used in the first aid for what?
Ans      Stings of wasp, bee and scorpion.

Q.11    When do we ask a patient to breathe through the nose ? In giving first aid for what?
Ans      Nose bleeding.

Q.12    What is the company game called when wood craft signs are used?
Ans      Companywide game.

Q.13    What is the minimum period for which you should work as a Pratham Sopan guide to qualify for Dwitiya Sopan?
Ans      Nine months.

Q.14    What will be the minimum age for qualifying for Dwitiya Sopan?
Ans      10 years nine months.

Q.15. Which hitch is used to tie the logs of wood?
Ans.Timber Hitch

Q.16. What hitch is used to make a rope ladder?
Ans.Marline Spike Hitch / Lever Hitch

Q.17. To make a tripod, which lashing is used?
Ans. Figure of Eight Lashing

Q.18 To support  a bunch of bananas hanging in a banana plant, which lashing do you use to make supporting legs?
Ans. Sheer Lashing

Q.19 To join two poles at 900 to each other, which  lashing is used?
Ans. Square lashing

Q.20 When the poles are crossing each other, which lashing would you use to time them together?
Ans. Diagonal lashing

Q.21 Name the only lashing which starts with the timber hitch?
Ans. Diagonal Lashing

Q.22 What should be your direction when you are putting out the grass fire?
Ans. Facing the wind

Q,23 What is the difference between needle compass and card compass?
Ans. In the needle compass, the needle rotates; In the card compass, card rotates.

Q.24. How many tertiary(three lettered) points are there in a compass?

Q.25 In a 16 points compass, what is the angle of measurement between any two points?
Ans. 22.50

Q.26.There are seven stars in that constellation. The stars 1 and 2 point towards pole star which helps to find north. Which is this constellation?
Ans. Saptharishi/Great bear / Plough

Q.27 If forward bearing of an object is 450, What would be the backward bearing?
Ans. 2250
Q.28 In case of a fracture in collar bone, which sling would you use?
Ans. St.John’s Sling / Triangular suspension sling

Q.29 What is the difference between burns and scalds.
Ans. Burns are caused by dry heat while scalds are due to moist heat.

Q.30. Which part of the scout uniform can be used for making a stretcher?
Ans. Shirts / Scarf

Q.31. In which method of estimation, a stiff brimmed hat is used?
Ans. Napolean method.

Q.31.a. Where do you put a timber hitch in a trestle?
Ans. To tie the diagonal braces at the centre

Q.31.b.What is backward bearing?
Ans.The angle measured from the object to the observer

Q.31.c.Name the constellation which looks like an inverted ‘W’.
Ans. Cassiopia / Lady in the Chair

Q.32 Which lashing is used to increase the length of the poles?
Ans. Parallel lashing/ Sheer lashing mark II / Round lashing

Q.33 How many points are there in a compass?
Ans. 16

Q.34 How many proficiency badges are to be earned in Dwitiya sopan ?
Ans. One

Q.35 Name any three methods of building fire.
Ans. Trench fire, Pyramid fire, Star fire

Q.36 What is pace?
Ans. Length of one step.

Q.37 How many types of north are there? What are they?
Ans. Three types. Grid north, true north and magnetic north
Q.38 From which direction is bearing measured?
Ans. From clock-wise direction

Q.39 What is the duration of community work in dwitiya sopan?
Ans. One month

Q.40 450 angle in compass denotes what direction?
Ans. North East

Q.41 Which direction shows the pole star?

Q.42.The complete or partial breakage of bone is called as ?
Ans. Fracture

Q.43 What is the weight of an axe and the length of its wooden hand?
Ans. 750 grams ; 50-55 cms

Q.44 If your method of fire building has three thick woods as the enclosure, what is that method fire building called?
Ans. Foundation Fire

Q.45 In case of fire due to short circuits, which gas is used to put off the fire?
Ans. CO2

Q.46 What is the use of draw hitch?
Ans. To climb up a tree and climb down a tree using a rope.

Q.47. Which kind of triangular bandage is used for the scalp?
Ans. Broad Bandage

Q.48 Which kind of triangular bandage is used for cuff and collar sling?
Ans. Narrow Bandage

Q.49. What are the four cardinal/primary points in a compass?
Ans. North, South, East and West
Q.50 Which is used for signaling in Semaphore signaling?
Ans. Flag/Flags

                                        TRITIYA SOPAN

1. Name any two methods of Whipping.
Ans. American Whipping, Sailmaker whipping and West Country Whipping

2. What is the other name for draw hitch?
Ans. Highway man’s Hitch

3. What knot is used to rescue people from the top of a building under fire or collaped building?
Ans. Fireman’s Chair knot

4. Which hitch is used to tie the end of a rope to the peg while making an improvised shelter?
Ans. Round a turn and two half hitches

5. What are the four parts of a trestle?
Ans. Transom, Ledger, Legs and Diagonal braces
6. In Inch to foot method, how many steps are taken from the foot of the tree?
Ans. 11 Units

7. H/L = h/l is the formula used to find the height of an object in which method?
Ans. Shadow method

8. What is the sudden loss of consciousness, usually preceded by a feeling of weakness and dizziness called?
Ans. Fainting

9. When a baby swallows a coin and it blocks the breathing passages, what is it called as ?
Ans. Choking

10. What does RF in map reading stand for?
Ans. Representative Fraction

11. What are the horizontal lines, numbered from south to north, in a map called?
Ans. Northings

12. Name the imaginary lines on the map which join all the adjacent places of same height above the mean sea level?
Ans. Contour lines

13. What is the use of contour lines?
Ans. To show relief features on the map

14. Expand CPR
Ans. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

15. What is ABC in first aid and resuscitation?
Ans. Airway, Breathing and Circulation

16. What is the type of fracture wherein the injured bone is cutting open the skin and gets in contact with the outside air?
Ans. Compound / Open fracture

17. How many square lashings are there in a trestle?
Ans. Four

18. Which knot is used to pull a heavy load?
Ans. Manharness knot

19. Which knot is used in rescuing a person trapped in fire?
Ans. Fireman’s Chair knot

20. Name any three types of splices.
Ans. Short splice, Back splice and eye splice.

21. What is the use of a trestle?
Ans. To make bridges and towers.

22. What is the full form of LPG.
Ans. Liquified Petroleum Gas

23. How many proficiency badges are to be earned in Tritiya Sopan?
Ans. Three proficiency badges
24. What is a scale?
Ans. The ratio of distance between two points on the map and the distance between same points on the ground.

25.Where are conventional signs used?
Ans. In maps

26. Give any two methods of preparing the map?
Ans. Plane Table method, Road Traverse method, Triangulation Method

27. In Ttritiya sopan, hike of how many kilometres hike is to be taken up/
Ans. Hike on Foot : 10 Kms and Hike by cycle:30 Kms

28. Who prepares maps in India?
Ans. Survey of India, Dehradun

29. What are the five D’s in Mapping?
Ans. Direction, Distance, Demarcation, Details and Destination

30. What are the different types of maps?
Ans. Topographical maps, cadastral maps, wall maps, atlas maps, physical maps and cultural/economic maps.

31. What does the colour black denote in a map?
Ans. Roads and boundaries

32. What is the colour of contour lines?
Ans. Brown

33. In the linear scale, how many divisions are there?
Ans. Two – Primary and Secondary.

34.Instead of what activity, proficiency badges can be taken in Tritiya Sopan?
Ans. Instead of Swimming

35. In the centemetre-metre method, how many units are taken from the foot of an object?
Ans. 09 units

36. The morse code letters and numerals are made up of what?
Ans. Dots  and Dashes

37. What are back splice used for?
Ans. To keep the end of the rope intact from unlaying strands.

38. What for short splices are used?
Ans.To join two ropes of the same thickness without tying a knot so that it can be passed throw a pully.

39. What for eye splice is used?
Ans. It is used to make an eye at the end of the rope.

40. How many stars are there in Orion constellation?
Ans. 14

41. Stings are caused by which insect?
Ans. Wasps, bees, scorpions etc.

42. What are grid lines?
Ans. Vertical and horizontal lines which divide the map into many squares

43.Why do you use a profile in map reading?
Ans. To find out the nature of relief feature

44. How many divisions are there in linear scale?
Ans. 2 (Primary divisions and secondary divisions)

45. What is the difference between map, atlas and globe?
Ans. Map is the pictorial representation of whole or part of the earth drawn on a scale in a flat surface; atlas is a book of maps; globe is the spherical representation of the earth.


1. What should be the minimum age of a S/G to attend the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 13 years

2. Who awards the Rajyapurskar certificate?
Ans. Governor / State secretary

3. On which sleeve, rajyapuraskar badge is to be worn?
Ans. Left arm sleeve

4. How many proficiency badges are to be earned by a Rajyapuraskar S/G ?
Ans. 5 by scouts ; 4 by guides

5. Name any two proficiency badges of Group A in the Rajyapuraskar.
Ans. Camper, Signaller, Electrician, Tailor

6.To which group, does Public Health proficiency badge of Rajyapurakar belong to?
Ans. Group B

7. Name the proficiency badge which is special as it is signed by the state chief commissioner?
Ans. World Conservation

8. How many nights should a Tritiya sopan scout /guide spend for ‘Camper’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 06 Nights

9. What is the colour of the cross sign of Child  Nurse proficiency badge?
Ans. Green

10. Which proficiency badge is related to ‘Van Mahotsav’?
Ans. Ecologist

11. When do we celebrate Leprosy Day in India?
Ans.30th  Jan.

12. How many illiterate people or children should be taught three R’s ( Reading, writing and arithmetic) in ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 10

13. To which group of proficiency badges, Nutrition educator belongs to ?
Ans. Group B

14. How many people should be helped to get checked for leprosy in Rural Worker proficiency badge?
Ans.50 people

15. What is the duration of completion of the activity – planting and taking care of 10 plants – in the soil conversation proficiency badge?
Ans. 30 Days

16. Which method of signaling is used in ‘Signaller’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Semaphore

17. Who organizes the Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp?
Ans. State Association under the supervision of the state organizing commissioner.

18. What word is written in Rajyapuraskar Badge?
Ans. Seva

19. What symbol is found above the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. Ashok Chakra

20. How many point programme is to be followed in ‘leprosy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Five point programme of BS&G

21. What symbol is found below the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. BS&G Emblem

22. What is the total number of proficiency badges to be earned by a tritiya sopan S/G to appear for the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 09 by Scouts; 08 by Guides

23. Children or people of what age group can be taught under ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 15-40


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