Back Ground :

Age Group:
3 to 6 years both for boys & girls.
Name of the Group:
(Common for both Boys & Girls consisting of not more than 20 members ratio Bunny to Bunny Leader 10:1 advisable.
Bunny Law :
I shall try to be good boy/ girl.
Motto :
“Keep Smiling”
Bunny Salute :
The Two fingers (middle & fore finger) of both hand raised along the side of the two ears depicting the ears of Bunny.
An apron with Bunny symbol against bright background to be worn over the
school uniform or any other dress. The emblem be prepared by the
National Headquarters in the form of a sticker badge. A Bunny holding up
a carrot in right hand with BSG emblem in the centre of Bunny patch. 84
Aims, Policy, Rules & Organisation Part – II.
Uniform for Bunny Leader :
The Leader will be known as- Bunny Aunty (Bunny Uncle only
in exceptional cases). It is suggested that Bunny Leaders can be the
privilege of females’ only. The uniform for the Bunny Leaders with the
same as those of the adult Leaders of the regular Group.
All activities will be done in free formation.
Bunny programme is based on four sign posts namely:
- Love for God
- Love for Nature
- Creative Activities &
- Learning to play together
This is achieved through the following activities.
Develop habits of personal cleanliness & social manners cutting parts and assembling simple figure.jig saw puzzle etc
To receive and convey a simple verbal/ telephone message
To receive a visitor and to talk to elders in a courteous way.
To Cultivate Social virtues such as standing in a queue, taking one’s turn, keeping the place clean, not spoiling the floor, use of the litter bin.
Tell one’s own full name, address (telephone number if any) and also full name of his / her father / mother and the name of the Office / School where he/ she is working.
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